Submited By: Jim Lyman - TVM001
Date: 02/03/2024
Description: Dino's last release of the Hawkeye. I've added my own textures to the skins, and am still working on it, and re-designed the Radar system for a wider range for intercepts, on the screen. This is designed for P3D 64bit also, and works yes in P3D v6. I am impressed with it.I've made some modifications to it, and as mentioned will be adding Paints for TVM to this for sure.The Radar Dome Now spins via a Toggle switch on the left hand side panel, its well marked now. I have also added an EFB and changed out the Model to a more Modern PFD/HSI as per the latest upgrade of the Actual E2. Included in this package is the C2 Greyhound also, BOTH Aircraft are Carrier capable 100%.