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Views: 73 - Rating: 0

By: Ron Batchelor
Submited By: Ron Batchelor - ATN703
Date: 05/10/2024
Description: Cargo 1 Leg 1

Views: 75 - Rating: 0

By: Ron Batchelor
Submited By: Ron Batchelor - ATN703
Date: 05/10/2024
Description: Leaving South Korea

Views: 66 - Rating: 0

By: Ron Batchelor
Submited By: Ron Batchelor - ATN703
Date: 05/06/2024
Description: ETAR-UKKM

Views: 67 - Rating: 0

By: Ron Batchelor
Submited By: Ron Batchelor - ATN703
Date: 05/04/2024
Description: May the 4th Be With You approaching KMCO

Views: 72 - Rating: 0

By: Jim Lyman
Submited By: Jim Lyman - TVM001
Date: 04/27/2024
Description: E2 Hawkeye with rotating Radar Dome, and an AEW system that you can't hide from, multiplayer, AI, etc. It will detect it. FSX, FSX-SE, and all versions of P3D TESTED! Also a new EFB, Electronic Flight Bag for direct NAV/GPS Flight routes with a click of a button, no more CDU/FMC to program, get there, get it done, and land Period. Also this is 100% TAC-PAC and/or Acceleration. Or if you have a Sim Carrier, which we do, you can land on it as the Tail Hook and Launch Bars work. The wings also fold for carrier OPS. This is avalible to members of the VAW-117th through the USN Admiral. Extra Textures designed by "Jungle", and a panel re-vamp customized, this thing ROCKS !

Views: 71 - Rating: 0

By: Jim Lyman
Submited By: Jim Lyman - TVM001
Date: 04/22/2024
Description: T45 Goosehawk Trainer, still in use in the USN, Outstanding Model, P3D and FSX all versions. For SQ. Members. We also will be loading up the F14 Tomcat soon.

Views: 74 - Rating: 0

By: Jim Lyman
Submited By: Jim Lyman - TVM001
Date: 04/22/2024
Description: MB-311 Trainer and Fighter, avalible for SQ. Members

Views: 71 - Rating: 0

By: Jim Lyman
Submited By: Jim Lyman - TVM001
Date: 04/22/2024
Description: Virtavia B1B avalible for SQ. Members P3D all versions, and FSX all versions.


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