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Flight/Route: TVC11247

Airline Logo:

Submitted By:
Ron Batchelor(view profile) »»»

Departure Airport: Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport (CYQB)
Arrival Airport: Du Rocher-Perc? (Pabok) Airport (CTG3)
Aircraft: 350I (NP350I)
Flight Time: 1.23
Date Submitted: 05/09/2024

Status: Accepted
Flight Revenue Details
Gross Revenue:
(12 load / $ 381.00 per unit
$ 4, 572.00
Fuel Cost:
(1130 fuel used @ 0.54 / unit)
$ 610.20

Expenses for catering, cleaning, etc.

$ 673.13
Pilot Pay $ 364.99
Total Revenue for flight: $ 2, 809.22

Additional Flight Details
  • Pilot Notes: -

Additional Log Details

2024-05-09T16:21:22.683Z - Using Microsoft Flight Simulator
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - Flying Beechcraft King Air 350i Asobo
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - Engine 1 On
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - Engine 2 On
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - Now boarding
2024-05-09T16:21:22.684Z - COM1: 118.650, COM2: 124.850, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 110.50, Transponder: 6612
2024-05-09T16:21:24.180Z - Transponder code set to 6612
2024-05-09T16:21:24.180Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.650
2024-05-09T16:22:39.378Z - Pushing back with 1784 lbs of fuel
2024-05-09T16:22:40.914Z - Taxiing out
2024-05-09T16:22:46.627Z - Taking off
2024-05-09T16:22:52.371Z - Climbing at 94 kts, 8 degrees pitch, -3 degrees bank
2024-05-09T16:23:12.178Z - Gear lever raised
2024-05-09T16:23:13.198Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-05-09T16:23:29.835Z - COM1 active frequency set to 135.020
2024-05-09T16:40:27.274Z - COM1 active frequency set to 125.100
2024-05-09T16:40:38.260Z - Cruising at 25000 ft
2024-05-09T16:47:04.243Z - COM1 active frequency set to 120.250
2024-05-09T16:47:34.975Z - COM1 active frequency set to 124.750
2024-05-09T16:56:58.788Z - Descending with 182 nm to go
2024-05-09T17:01:40.317Z - COM1 active frequency set to 134.250
2024-05-09T17:06:59.301Z - Cruising at 12000 ft
2024-05-09T17:24:07.766Z - COM1 active frequency set to 134.650
2024-05-09T17:29:32.054Z - COM1 active frequency set to 135.550
2024-05-09T17:29:34.648Z - Descending with 33 nm to go
2024-05-09T17:30:59.768Z - Approach started at 8871 ft AGL with 27 nm to go
2024-05-09T17:38:16.107Z - Gear lever lowered
2024-05-09T17:38:27.977Z - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
2024-05-09T17:38:32.173Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-05-09T17:38:52.000Z - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up
2024-05-09T17:40:22.780Z - COM1 active frequency set to 122.900
2024-05-09T17:41:29.642Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2024-05-09T17:42:30.283Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2024-05-09T17:43:07.275Z - Flaps set to 100%
2024-05-09T17:44:07.905Z - On final at 1178 ft with 4 nm to go at 145 kts, -7 degrees pitch, 3 degrees bank
2024-05-09T17:46:05.394Z - Touched down at -128 fpm, 1.2g, 92 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-05-09T17:46:11.061Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-05-09T17:46:22.811Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 968 ft
2024-05-09T17:48:49.024Z - Engine 2 Off
2024-05-09T17:48:50.604Z - Engine 1 Off

Route Map

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