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Flight/Route: TOOCAN335W

Airline Logo:

Submitted By:
Jim Lyman(view profile) »»»

Departure Airport: Pease International Tradeport (KPSM)
Arrival Airport: Logan International Airport (KBOS)
Aircraft: F35 LIGHTNING (TF335AR)
Flight Time: 00.18.15
Date Submitted: 04/13/2023

Status: Accepted
Flight Revenue Details
Gross Revenue:
(63920 load / $ 0.38 per unit
$ 24, 289.60
Fuel Cost:
(1981 fuel used @ 0.54 / unit)
$ 1, 069.74

Expenses for catering, cleaning, etc.

$ 2, 513.27
Pilot Pay $ 364.99
Total Revenue for flight: $ 20, 587.40

Additional Flight Details
  • Pilot Notes: -

Additional Log Details

[17:56z] Recording started...
[17:56z] Flight Status: Boarding at KPSM
[17:56z] User Aircraft: F-35B Lightning II DC-01
[17:56z] Engine 1 started
[17:57z] Flight Status: Taxi to Runway
[18:01z] Flaps 1 at 109 ft MSL with 44KIAS
[18:01z] Takeoff at 180KIAS
[18:01z] Flight Status: Climbing
[18:01z] Flaps 2 at 155 ft MSL with 202KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 1 at 155 ft MSL with 203KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 2 at 155 ft MSL with 204KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 1 at 155 ft MSL with 206KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 2 at 199 ft MSL with 210KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 1 at 199 ft MSL with 211KIAS
[18:01z] Flaps 0 at 199 ft MSL with 213KIAS
[18:01z] Gear Up at 257 ft MSL with 217KIAS
[18:02z] Flight Status: Cruise
[18:08z] Flight Status: Descending
[18:08z] Gear Down at 4252 ft MSL with 191KIAS
[18:08z] Flight Status: Final Approach
[18:08z] Flaps 2 at 3987 ft MSL with 182KIAS
[18:11z] Landed with a vertical speed of -457 ft/m
[18:12z] Flaps 0 at 28 ft MSL with 39KIAS
[18:14z] Flight Status: Arrived
[18:14z] Recording stopped...
[18:14z] Max. Simrate: 1x
[18:14z] cACARS Version: 1.03

Route Map

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